Content API

Search for content

The Content API, as per the widget, starts from a search experience across the categories you have licensed. You can search for health content based on a symptom or ask a question about a concern. Before being able to call the API to initiate a search, you will need to login using your API key and token in order to get a bearer token to pass in subsequent calls to the API.

Once you have the bearer token, the content API endpoint allows programmatic access to this library.



Parameter nameDescription
localeAt present, only en-US is supported
queryThe search term
sizeThe number of results to return
fromFor pagination, the index to return search results from. For example, for page 2 of results, this parameter would be set to 11 and would return the next 10 results after the first 10 results.
resolve_intentA boolean value to indicate whether to provide intent detection and inform the user that symptoms were detected, and an assessment using the symptom checker might be a recommended action.

Example request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: */*' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiI0Y2RmY2Q0OS1kM2QyLTRlZGMtYThlZi02MDY5ZjRmZWYwNmMiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.PGLKDj8J0Phqtg7KaCV4JfZTor3WbcNf-7OP-OajBhPCdB7M9u78_wjFMqZb6skOT3jIEM7jDKUjzmiUPJafhTxeYGkDjQtXT3Gr3-pvUtLZqCjlnljv3icDYfl4cMF6K7yXU4WVxZ_iVKw4Xd62gJ7ndE0-NJw-vCUQGBeRDsv5C4INpJnmDT0dznD88L_wFzGWbAEdU6tZBsy9KxqeKwDlEgB75h_fvCP6Ayn4_Yn8KeYA2qBOokoisNSoVZjo_F71jU2ZvtIbTwooGKRo5LCtBtS85NyA5vxciHok4kSOSix4IIbr8iIpyfmO42MCQnhKAqkPrJihmRKugmkQAw' \
--header 'x-api-key: Olq2mZfuhp4GcFHr6IUjZNUvvf93rL3lNbr59d30'

Example response

    "articles": [
            "id": "knock-knee",
            "title": "Knock knee",
            "content_type": "Medicontent",
            "short_title": "Knock knee",
            "publish_date": "2023-08-30T12:21:32",
            "snippet": "Read information from the NHS about knock knee (genu valgum), which is an abnormal curvature of the legs, resulting in a large gap between the feet and ankles when the knees are touching.",
            "ia_category": {
                "name": "Conditions",
                "slug": "conditions"
            "primary_topic": {
                "id": "joint-disorders",
                "name": "Joint disorders",
                "image": ""
            "reading_time_minutes": 9,
            "target_images": {
                "topic": "",
                "category": ""
            "url": "",
            "mobile_url": "",
            "score": 245.9127,
            "external_source": false,
            "source_name": "contentful",
            "locale": "en-US"
            "id": "knee-meniscal-injury",
            "title": "Knee meniscal injury",
            "content_type": "Medicontent",
            "short_title": "Meniscal tear",
            "publish_date": "2023-08-30T12:21:24",
            "snippet": "An acute knee meniscal injury is a tear along the rubbery cushion found between the main bones of your knee joint.",
            "ia_category": {
                "name": "Conditions",
                "slug": "conditions"
            "primary_topic": {
                "id": "knee-pain",
                "name": "Knee pain",
                "image": ""
            "reading_time_minutes": 7,
            "target_images": {
                "topic": "",
                "category": ""
            "url": "",
            "mobile_url": "",
            "score": 237.42522,
            "external_source": false,
            "source_name": "contentful",
            "locale": "en-US"
            "id": "bakers-cyst",
            "title": "Baker's cyst",
            "content_type": "Medicontent",
            "short_title": "Baker's cyst",
            "publish_date": "2023-08-30T12:06:54",
            "snippet": "A Baker's cyst, also called a popliteal cyst, is a fluid-filled swelling that develops at the back of the knee. It is caused by a problem with the knee joint or the tissue behind it.",
            "ia_category": {
                "name": "Conditions",
                "slug": "conditions"
            "primary_topic": {
                "id": "knee-pain",
                "name": "Knee pain",
                "image": ""
            "reading_time_minutes": 4,
            "target_images": {
                "topic": "",
                "header": "",
                "category": ""
            "url": "",
            "mobile_url": "",
            "score": 208.92087,
            "external_source": false,
            "source_name": "contentful",
            "locale": "en-US"
            "id": "knee-ligament-injuries",
            "title": "Knee ligament injuries",
            "content_type": "Medicontent",
            "short_title": "Knee ligament injuries",
            "publish_date": "2023-08-30T12:21:24",
            "snippet": "A knee ligament injury is when one of the bands of tissue that helps keep the bones of the knee together is injured.",
            "ia_category": {
                "name": "Conditions",
                "slug": "conditions"
            "primary_topic": {
                "id": "knee-pain",
                "name": "Knee pain",
                "image": ""
            "reading_time_minutes": 7,
            "target_images": {
                "topic": "",
                "category": ""
            "url": "",
            "mobile_url": "",
            "score": 207.57832,
            "external_source": false,
            "source_name": "contentful",
            "locale": "en-US"
            "id": "dislocated-knee",
            "title": "Dislocated kneecap",
            "content_type": "Medicontent",
            "short_title": "Dislocated kneecap",
            "publish_date": "2023-08-30T12:16:54",
            "snippet": "A kneecap dislocation is when the small bone (kneecap) in front of the knee moves out of its normal position.",
            "ia_category": {
                "name": "Conditions",
                "slug": "conditions"
            "primary_topic": {
                "id": "knee-pain",
                "name": "Knee pain",
                "image": ""
            "reading_time_minutes": 4,
            "target_images": {
                "topic": "",
                "category": ""
            "url": "",
            "mobile_url": "",
            "score": 203.26051,
            "external_source": false,
            "source_name": "contentful",
            "locale": "en-US"
            "id": "patellar-tendinopathy",
            "title": "Patellar tendinopathy",
            "content_type": "Medicontent",
            "short_title": "Patellar tendinopathy",
            "publish_date": "2023-08-30T12:24:09",
            "snippet": "Patellar tendinopathy is a injury which occurs due to overuse of the knee. It usually affects people who play sports.",
            "ia_category": {
                "name": "Conditions",
                "slug": "conditions"
            "primary_topic": {
                "id": "knee-pain",
                "name": "Knee pain",
                "image": ""
            "reading_time_minutes": 4,
            "target_images": {
                "topic": "",
                "category": ""
            "url": "",
            "mobile_url": "",
            "score": 200.30867,
            "external_source": false,
            "source_name": "contentful",
            "locale": "en-US"
            "id": "degenerative-meniscal-tear",
            "title": "Degenerative meniscal tear",
            "content_type": "Medicontent",
            "short_title": "Meniscal tear (degenerative)",
            "publish_date": "2023-08-30T12:16:18",
            "snippet": "A degenerative meniscal tear is damage to one or more of the shock absorbers within the knee, which can occur with ageing.",
            "ia_category": {
                "name": "Conditions",
                "slug": "conditions"
            "primary_topic": {
                "id": "knee-pain",
                "name": "Knee pain",
                "image": ""
            "reading_time_minutes": 7,
            "target_images": {
                "topic": "",
                "category": ""
            "url": "",
            "mobile_url": "",
            "score": 187.34544,
            "external_source": false,
            "source_name": "contentful",
            "locale": "en-US"
            "id": "iliotibial-band-syndrome",
            "title": "Iliotibial band syndrome",
            "content_type": "Medicontent",
            "short_title": "Iliotibial band syndrome",
            "publish_date": "2023-08-30T12:20:27",
            "snippet": "Runner’s knee is a type of knee pain that happens when the thick band of tissue (tendon) that runs from your hip to the outer side of your knee is inflamed.",
            "ia_category": {
                "name": "Conditions",
                "slug": "conditions"
            "primary_topic": {
                "id": "knee-pain",
                "name": "Knee pain",
                "image": ""
            "reading_time_minutes": 7,
            "target_images": {
                "topic": "",
                "category": ""
            "url": "",
            "mobile_url": "",
            "score": 186.94502,
            "external_source": false,
            "source_name": "contentful",
            "locale": "en-US"
            "id": "tendonitis",
            "title": "Tendonitis",
            "content_type": "Medicontent",
            "short_title": "Tendonitis",
            "publish_date": "2023-08-30T12:28:01",
            "snippet": "Achilles tendinitis is the inflammation of the thick band of tissue (tendon) that attaches your calf muscles to your heel.",
            "ia_category": {
                "name": "Conditions",
                "slug": "conditions"
            "primary_topic": {
                "id": "knee-pain",
                "name": "Knee pain",
                "image": ""
            "reading_time_minutes": 13,
            "target_images": {
                "topic": "",
                "category": ""
            "url": "",
            "mobile_url": "",
            "score": 148.76514,
            "external_source": false,
            "source_name": "contentful",
            "locale": "en-US"
            "id": "irritable-hip",
            "title": "Hip pain in children",
            "content_type": "Medicontent",
            "short_title": "Hip pain (children)",
            "publish_date": "2023-08-30T12:20:52",
            "snippet": "Irritable hip, also known as transient or toxic synovitis, is a common childhood condition that causes symptoms such as hip pain and limping.",
            "ia_category": {
                "name": "Conditions",
                "slug": "conditions"
            "primary_topic": {
                "id": "childrens-health",
                "name": "Children's health",
                "image": ""
            "reading_time_minutes": 3,
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                "category": ""
            "url": "",
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            "score": 70.298294,
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            "source_name": "contentful",
            "locale": "en-US"
    "external_articles": [],
    "primary_topics": [
            "id": "joint-disorders",
            "name": "Joint disorders",
            "image": ""
            "id": "childrens-health",
            "name": "Children's health",
            "image": ""
            "id": "knee-pain",
            "name": "Knee pain",
            "image": ""
    "query": {
        "request_query": "knee pain",
        "query": "knee pain",
        "spell_checked": true
    "pagination": {
        "from": 0,
        "size": 10,
        "total": 148,
        "left": 138

Fetch article body

Once the content endpoint has returned the search results, you can access the full body of an article using our CMS endpoint.



Parameter nameDescription
idThe id of the article you want to retrieve the content for. This is the id returned in the search response

Example request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: */*' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiI0Y2RmY2Q0OS1kM2QyLTRlZGMtYThlZi02MDY5ZjRmZWYwNmMiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.PGLKDj8J0Phqtg7KaCV4JfZTor3WbcNf-7OP-OajBhPCdB7M9u78_wjFMqZb6skOT3jIEM7jDKUjzmiUPJafhTxeYGkDjQtXT3Gr3-pvUtLZqCjlnljv3icDYfl4cMF6K7yXU4WVxZ_iVKw4Xd62gJ7ndE0-NJw-vCUQGBeRDsv5C4INpJnmDT0dznD88L_wFzGWbAEdU6tZBsy9KxqeKwDlEgB75h_fvCP6Ayn4_Yn8KeYA2qBOokoisNSoVZjo_F71jU2ZvtIbTwooGKRo5LCtBtS85NyA5vxciHok4kSOSix4IIbr8iIpyfmO42MCQnhKAqkPrJihmRKugmkQAw' \
--header 'x-api-key: Olq2mZfuhp4GcFHr6IUjZNUvvf93rL3lNbr59d30'