Content API
Search for content
The Content API, as per the widget, starts from a search experience across the categories you have licensed. You can search for health content based on a symptom or ask a question about a concern. Before being able to call the API to initiate a search, you will need to login using your API key and token in order to get a bearer token to pass in subsequent calls to the API.
Once you have the bearer token, the content
API endpoint allows programmatic access to this library.
Parameter name | Description |
locale | At present, only en-US is supported |
query | The search term |
size | The number of results to return |
from | For pagination, the index to return search results from. For example, for page 2 of results, this parameter would be set to 11 and would return the next 10 results after the first 10 results. |
resolve_intent | A boolean value to indicate whether to provide intent detection and inform the user that symptoms were detected, and an assessment using the symptom checker might be a recommended action. |
Example request
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: */*' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiI0Y2RmY2Q0OS1kM2QyLTRlZGMtYThlZi02MDY5ZjRmZWYwNmMiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.PGLKDj8J0Phqtg7KaCV4JfZTor3WbcNf-7OP-OajBhPCdB7M9u78_wjFMqZb6skOT3jIEM7jDKUjzmiUPJafhTxeYGkDjQtXT3Gr3-pvUtLZqCjlnljv3icDYfl4cMF6K7yXU4WVxZ_iVKw4Xd62gJ7ndE0-NJw-vCUQGBeRDsv5C4INpJnmDT0dznD88L_wFzGWbAEdU6tZBsy9KxqeKwDlEgB75h_fvCP6Ayn4_Yn8KeYA2qBOokoisNSoVZjo_F71jU2ZvtIbTwooGKRo5LCtBtS85NyA5vxciHok4kSOSix4IIbr8iIpyfmO42MCQnhKAqkPrJihmRKugmkQAw' \
--header 'x-api-key: Olq2mZfuhp4GcFHr6IUjZNUvvf93rL3lNbr59d30'
Example response
"articles": [
"id": "knock-knee",
"title": "Knock knee",
"content_type": "Medicontent",
"short_title": "Knock knee",
"publish_date": "2023-08-30T12:21:32",
"snippet": "Read information from the NHS about knock knee (genu valgum), which is an abnormal curvature of the legs, resulting in a large gap between the feet and ankles when the knees are touching.",
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"name": "Conditions",
"slug": "conditions"
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"name": "Joint disorders",
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"score": 245.9127,
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"id": "knee-meniscal-injury",
"title": "Knee meniscal injury",
"content_type": "Medicontent",
"short_title": "Meniscal tear",
"publish_date": "2023-08-30T12:21:24",
"snippet": "An acute knee meniscal injury is a tear along the rubbery cushion found between the main bones of your knee joint.",
"ia_category": {
"name": "Conditions",
"slug": "conditions"
"primary_topic": {
"id": "knee-pain",
"name": "Knee pain",
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"score": 237.42522,
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"id": "bakers-cyst",
"title": "Baker's cyst",
"content_type": "Medicontent",
"short_title": "Baker's cyst",
"publish_date": "2023-08-30T12:06:54",
"snippet": "A Baker's cyst, also called a popliteal cyst, is a fluid-filled swelling that develops at the back of the knee. It is caused by a problem with the knee joint or the tissue behind it.",
"ia_category": {
"name": "Conditions",
"slug": "conditions"
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"id": "knee-pain",
"name": "Knee pain",
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"reading_time_minutes": 4,
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"score": 208.92087,
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"id": "knee-ligament-injuries",
"title": "Knee ligament injuries",
"content_type": "Medicontent",
"short_title": "Knee ligament injuries",
"publish_date": "2023-08-30T12:21:24",
"snippet": "A knee ligament injury is when one of the bands of tissue that helps keep the bones of the knee together is injured.",
"ia_category": {
"name": "Conditions",
"slug": "conditions"
"primary_topic": {
"id": "knee-pain",
"name": "Knee pain",
"image": ""
"reading_time_minutes": 7,
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"category": ""
"url": "",
"mobile_url": "",
"score": 207.57832,
"external_source": false,
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"locale": "en-US"
"id": "dislocated-knee",
"title": "Dislocated kneecap",
"content_type": "Medicontent",
"short_title": "Dislocated kneecap",
"publish_date": "2023-08-30T12:16:54",
"snippet": "A kneecap dislocation is when the small bone (kneecap) in front of the knee moves out of its normal position.",
"ia_category": {
"name": "Conditions",
"slug": "conditions"
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"id": "knee-pain",
"name": "Knee pain",
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"score": 203.26051,
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"id": "patellar-tendinopathy",
"title": "Patellar tendinopathy",
"content_type": "Medicontent",
"short_title": "Patellar tendinopathy",
"publish_date": "2023-08-30T12:24:09",
"snippet": "Patellar tendinopathy is a injury which occurs due to overuse of the knee. It usually affects people who play sports.",
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"slug": "conditions"
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"id": "knee-pain",
"name": "Knee pain",
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"score": 200.30867,
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"id": "degenerative-meniscal-tear",
"title": "Degenerative meniscal tear",
"content_type": "Medicontent",
"short_title": "Meniscal tear (degenerative)",
"publish_date": "2023-08-30T12:16:18",
"snippet": "A degenerative meniscal tear is damage to one or more of the shock absorbers within the knee, which can occur with ageing.",
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"name": "Conditions",
"slug": "conditions"
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"id": "knee-pain",
"name": "Knee pain",
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"score": 187.34544,
"external_source": false,
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"locale": "en-US"
"id": "iliotibial-band-syndrome",
"title": "Iliotibial band syndrome",
"content_type": "Medicontent",
"short_title": "Iliotibial band syndrome",
"publish_date": "2023-08-30T12:20:27",
"snippet": "Runner’s knee is a type of knee pain that happens when the thick band of tissue (tendon) that runs from your hip to the outer side of your knee is inflamed.",
"ia_category": {
"name": "Conditions",
"slug": "conditions"
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"id": "knee-pain",
"name": "Knee pain",
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"reading_time_minutes": 7,
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"url": "",
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"score": 186.94502,
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"locale": "en-US"
"id": "tendonitis",
"title": "Tendonitis",
"content_type": "Medicontent",
"short_title": "Tendonitis",
"publish_date": "2023-08-30T12:28:01",
"snippet": "Achilles tendinitis is the inflammation of the thick band of tissue (tendon) that attaches your calf muscles to your heel.",
"ia_category": {
"name": "Conditions",
"slug": "conditions"
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"id": "knee-pain",
"name": "Knee pain",
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"score": 148.76514,
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"locale": "en-US"
"id": "irritable-hip",
"title": "Hip pain in children",
"content_type": "Medicontent",
"short_title": "Hip pain (children)",
"publish_date": "2023-08-30T12:20:52",
"snippet": "Irritable hip, also known as transient or toxic synovitis, is a common childhood condition that causes symptoms such as hip pain and limping.",
"ia_category": {
"name": "Conditions",
"slug": "conditions"
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"id": "childrens-health",
"name": "Children's health",
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"id": "joint-disorders",
"name": "Joint disorders",
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"name": "Children's health",
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Paragraph Level Search
As well as being able to search for articles and presenting results in a traditional list as with content search, we also have the ability to return more complete information and answers to match queries or questions asked in the search term. This returns not only the title but the paragraph or section of text that directly answers or corresponds to the search term. This is particularly useful for showing featured answers or snippets as well as building Q&A chatbots with verified medical content.
Before being able to call the API to initiate a search, you will need to login using your API key and token in order to get a bearer token to pass in subsequent calls to the API.
Once you have the bearer token, the content
API endpoint allows programmatic access to this library.
Parameter name | Description |
locale | At present, only en-US is supported |
query | The search term |
size | The number of results to return |
from | For pagination, the index to return search results from. For example, for page 2 of results, this parameter would be set to 11 and would return the next 10 results after the first 10 results. |
resolve_intent | A boolean value to indicate whether to provide intent detection and inform the user that symptoms were detected, and an assessment using the symptom checker might be a recommended action. |
Example request
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: */*' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiI0Y2RmY2Q0OS1kM2QyLTRlZGMtYThlZi02MDY5ZjRmZWYwNmMiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ5bWRNb3JzZV9ZYXZhaEp2NEZwRExkWlNSaWlSRUhIU0FEeTAzTEYyanJ4bHA5MUlxS0N2USIsImF1ZCI6IlZISSIsImVtYWlsX3ZlcmlmaWVkIjpmYWxzZSwiZGV2aWNlX2lkIjoicGFydG5lcl9WSElfNzRlN2UzMDJmNmU5ZjljNzljNDA2YTJhYTA3NWQ1OTQwNzAzNTA2YTQ5MGVmZmJmMmQ2Mzk1MzcyNzgzMTVkZiIsIm5hbWUiOiJuYW1lIiwiZGVsZXRlX2F0IjoxNjc3MTY3OTE0LCJlbWFpbCI6InRlc3QxMjMtZGNlZTk4ODctYzg0NS00OTdlLTk2ZjctOGM4ODQ3ZTY3NThjQHlvdXIubWQiLCJpc3MiOiJ5bWQtaW50ZXJuYWwtc2VydmljZS1wcm9kIiwianRpIjoiOGI3ODBlZTYtZWVkZS00NDZmLTk4NGUtZTFmY2E2MWNiYWU3IiwiaWF0IjoxNjc2OTk1MTE0LCJleHAiOjE2NzY5OTY5MTR9.PGLKDj8J0Phqtg7KaCV4JfZTor3WbcNf-7OP-OajBhPCdB7M9u78_wjFMqZb6skOT3jIEM7jDKUjzmiUPJafhTxeYGkDjQtXT3Gr3-pvUtLZqCjlnljv3icDYfl4cMF6K7yXU4WVxZ_iVKw4Xd62gJ7ndE0-NJw-vCUQGBeRDsv5C4INpJnmDT0dznD88L_wFzGWbAEdU6tZBsy9KxqeKwDlEgB75h_fvCP6Ayn4_Yn8KeYA2qBOokoisNSoVZjo_F71jU2ZvtIbTwooGKRo5LCtBtS85NyA5vxciHok4kSOSix4IIbr8iIpyfmO42MCQnhKAqkPrJihmRKugmkQAw' \
--header 'x-api-key: Olq2mZfuhp4GcFHr6IUjZNUvvf93rL3lNbr59d30'
Example response
"paragraphs": [
"body": "“Headaches are very common, and the word is a catch-all for any type of pain or discomfort in your head or face,” explains Dr Ann Nainan, family doctor and Healthily expert. “Headache locations, type of pain and severity can vary a lot.” \n\nAlthough it can feel like a headache is coming directly from your brain, the brain doesn’t have any nerve fibers that are sensitive to pain. Instead, a headache tends to come from:\n\n- the network of nerves that stretches across your scalp\n- nerves in your face, mouth or throat\n- muscles in your head, neck and shoulders\n- blood vessels across the surface and at the base of your brain\n\n",
"title": "Types of headaches – symptoms, causes and when to seek help",
"sub_titles": [
"What exactly is a headache?"
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"body": "Tension headaches are the most common type of headache. Tell-tale signs include:\n\n- a headache that comes on gradually\n- pain on both sides of your head\n- dull pain, which can feel like a tight band around your head\n- mild to moderate pain – not usually severe enough to stop you doing things\n- pain that may spread to or come from your neck\n\nUnlike a migraine, you won’t usually feel nauseous, vomit, or be sensitive to light or have any changes to your sight.\n\n",
"title": "Types of headaches – symptoms, causes and when to seek help",
"sub_titles": [
"Types of headache and their locations ",
"Tension headache"
"platforms": [
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"id": "headaches",
"name": "Headaches",
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"body": "Tension headaches and migraines are both examples of primary headaches, which means they’re not caused by an injury or a medical condition. However, a headache on the top of your head may, occasionally, be caused by this.\n\n",
"title": "Why do I have a headache on the top of my head?",
"sub_titles": [
"Less common causes of pain on the top of your head"
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"id": "headaches",
"name": "Headaches",
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"score": 591.4093
"body": "If you’ve injured your head and you have a headache — either on the top of your head or elsewhere on your head — you should seek medical help immediately. \n\nThis is because if you’ve injured your head, for example if an object has fallen on it, you can injure your brain (traumatic brain injury, or TBI). Such an injury can lead to recurring headaches (post-traumatic headaches). Any of these headaches — around 85% — are tension-type headaches, but a migraine is also possible. \n\nEven mild head injuries can result in headaches.\n\nAs with any tension headache you may feel pressure, tightness and a dull ache on the top or on other parts of your head.\n\n",
"title": "Why do I have a headache on the top of my head?",
"sub_titles": [
"Less common causes of pain on the top of your head",
"Head injury"
"platforms": [
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"id": "headaches",
"name": "Headaches",
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"score": 591.0806
"body": "Having a headache in the back of your head is usually not a sign of a serious illness and tends to be caused by a tension headache, migraine or poor posture. \n\nOccasionally, however, a headache in this part of your head can be a sign of something more serious and may be caused by an underlying problem, which may need further investigation. Read more about headache red flags.\n\nIf none of the red flags listed here apply, your headache may be caused by one of the reasons below. \n\n",
"title": "Why do I have a headache in the back of my head?",
"sub_titles": [],
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"body": "Trying to focus on something when you have problems with your eyesight – such as being short-sighted or long-sighted – can sometimes cause headaches. \n\nFor example, you might notice a headache after you’ve been looking at a computer screen or reading a book. \n\n",
"title": "Types of headaches – symptoms, causes and when to seek help",
"sub_titles": [
"Types of headache and their locations ",
"Eyestrain headache"
"platforms": [
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"id": "headaches",
"name": "Headaches",
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"score": 589.5965
"body": "If you’re wondering when to worry about a headache, remember that headaches are very common. Usually they make you feel unwell, then pass, rather than being a sign of something serious. \n\nBut certain symptoms can suggest an underlying cause, or mean you have a type of headache that needs treatment to stop it affecting your life. \n\nYou should see a doctor as soon as possible if:\n- you have a constant headache, it keeps coming back, or it doesn't improve with simple painkillers\n- you notice a change in the pattern of your headaches, or they’re steadily getting worse\n- you notice other symptoms, such as changes in your personality or voice, or ear pain or discharge\n- you’re over 50, or have a history of cancer or an impaired immune system\n- you’re pregnant and have new, changing or worsening headaches\n- you get headaches when you exercise\n- you think you have cluster headaches\n- You should go to the emergency department if you have a combination of these symptoms:\n- your headache is very severe, has come on suddenly, or wakes you up at night\n- your headache gets worse with coughing, or changes when you’re lying down or standing up\n- you have pain in your chest or feel short of breath\n- you have headaches after hitting your head or injuring your neck\n- you have a headache and symptoms such as confusion, memory loss, slurred speech, dizziness, weakness, numbness, seizures, changes in your sight, eye pain, or redness of swelling around your face or eyes \n\n",
"title": "Types of headaches – symptoms, causes and when to seek help",
"sub_titles": [
"Headache red flags "
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"id": "headaches",
"name": "Headaches",
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"score": 587.58264
"body": "Headaches can happen at any time, sometimes for no obvious reason. It’s a symptom with many different causes and knowing what may have caused it can be useful in knowing how best to treat the pain. \n\nIt’s also important to know when you should see a doctor. \n\nMost headaches are nothing to worry about and improve with treatment or medication from a pharmacist. But a headache on the top of your head — or in another location — can occasionally be a sign of something more serious. \n\n[[WhenToWorry]]\n|",
"title": "Why do I have a headache on the top of my head?",
"sub_titles": [],
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"id": "headaches",
"name": "Headaches",
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"score": 586.9976
"body": "If you have a headache on the right or left side of your head it’s most likely to be a migraine or cluster headache. \n\nMigraines are fairly common, especially in women, and the moderate to severe pain will usually appear on 1 side of your head.\n\nCluster headaches are known for causing intense, crippling pain on 1 side of your head and pain behind the eye on the affected side. They are far rarer than migraines -- approximately 1 in 1,000 people get them, and they’re more common in men.\n\nTension headaches cause a constant, dull ache and are the most common type of headache. But they’re less likely to cause pain on 1 side of your head only. You may also feel pain at the front of your head, at the back or at the temples.\n\nThese are all examples of primary headaches, which means there is no injury, illness or condition causing it. They can be caused by many things, including: \n\n- muscle tension or bad posture (associated with tension headaches)\n- not drinking enough water (dehydration)\n- hormone changes (associated with migraines)\n- side effects of medication or taking too many painkillers over time (medication overuse headache)\n- emotional or physical stress \n- missing meals or not eating for many hours\n- drinking too much alcohol (this can increase your risk of dehydration) \n- sudden changes in temperature (associated with cluster headaches)\n- certain foods or smells (associated with migraines)\n- problems with your eyesight or eye strain\n- lack of sleep\n\nIf you think your headache could be caused by any of these things, drink plenty of water and rest if you need to. \n\nIf you suspect you have a tension headache, exercise and activities that relax your muscles, like yoga, may help. If you’re feeling stressed, try to find ways to help you deal with stress. \n\nYou could also ask a doctor or pharmacist about taking painkillers if you need to. \n\n!Woman sitting on a yoga mat doing neck stretches\n\n",
"title": "Why do I have a headache on the side of my head?",
"sub_titles": [
"Causes of headache on the side of your head "
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"score": 586.3965
"body": "If you injure your head, perhaps while playing sports or as a result of something hitting your head, a common side effect is a headache. \n\nIf you have a headache following an injury you should always see a doctor for checks.\n\nDifferent types of headache can develop following a head injury. This could be a migraine, a headache caused by taking too many painkillers to treat the pain, a tension headache or cervicogenic headache.\n\n‘Cervicogenic’ refers to pain which comes from a problem with the neck. With this type of headache, you may find that moving your neck makes the headache worse or that you can’t move your neck easily. Some people who have a cervicogenic headache may not even get neck pain, and the pain will usually occur on 1 side of your head only.\n\nAny of these types of headaches can cause pain on the side of your head, though you may be more likely to have discomfort on the side where the injury occurred.\n\n",
"title": "Why do I have a headache on the side of my head?",
"sub_titles": [
"Conditions that can cause a headache in the side of your head",
"Head trauma or injury"
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"id": "headaches",
"name": "Headaches",
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"score": 585.09106
Fetch article body
Once the content endpoint has returned the search results, you can access the full body of an article using our CMS endpoint.
Parameter name | Description |
id | The id of the article you want to retrieve the content for. This is the id returned in the search response |
Example request
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: */*' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiI0Y2RmY2Q0OS1kM2QyLTRlZGMtYThlZi02MDY5ZjRmZWYwNmMiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.PGLKDj8J0Phqtg7KaCV4JfZTor3WbcNf-7OP-OajBhPCdB7M9u78_wjFMqZb6skOT3jIEM7jDKUjzmiUPJafhTxeYGkDjQtXT3Gr3-pvUtLZqCjlnljv3icDYfl4cMF6K7yXU4WVxZ_iVKw4Xd62gJ7ndE0-NJw-vCUQGBeRDsv5C4INpJnmDT0dznD88L_wFzGWbAEdU6tZBsy9KxqeKwDlEgB75h_fvCP6Ayn4_Yn8KeYA2qBOokoisNSoVZjo_F71jU2ZvtIbTwooGKRo5LCtBtS85NyA5vxciHok4kSOSix4IIbr8iIpyfmO42MCQnhKAqkPrJihmRKugmkQAw' \
--header 'x-api-key: Olq2mZfuhp4GcFHr6IUjZNUvvf93rL3lNbr59d30'
Updated 9 months ago