Initiate Smart Symptom Checker

Once you have requested and received your Access Token here a conversation can be started with the Smart Symptom Checker.

Start a conversation

To start a new conversation, either a request should be made to the chat endpoint, providing a number of mandatory key/value pairs in the answer object, or end empty JSON as the first message and we will ask name, gender, age and initial symptoms in the consultation flow.


Request body schema: application/json

typestringMust be string "entry"
namestringName of the person symptom check is for
genderstringGender of the person symptom check is for. Must be either "male" or "female"
year_of_birthintegerYear of birth of the person symptom check is for. Must be in a four-digit format, e.g. 1978
initial_symptomstringSymptom(s) being experienced.

Multiple symptoms can be separated using "and", e.g. "shaking and coughing"

It is recommended that this is used in conjunction with the Symptom Search endpoint.
otherBooleanDenotes whether this conversation is for the current user (false) or someone else (true)

Example request:

curl -X POST \
     -H "Authorization: eyJraWQiOi10Y2RmY2Q0OS1kM2QyJFRlZGMtYThlZi02MDY5ZjRmZWYwNmMiLCJhbFhiOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ5bWRNb3JzZV9pcGp6ZlRtMmwwRlhvd01zaXBIaWlObGZmZVlLb1ZPeWZmcmhyYmJpcGlzN2pXSlkiLCJlbWFpbF92ZXJpZmllZCI6ZmFsc2UsImRldmljZV9pZCI6InBhcnRuZXJfcmFtcF83NDdlNWE0OTlkNTYzNjI0ZGFjMjBmYTQ4NGU1ZjQwMzczYmNiODg5YmI2NzIzYzRmNTExMjgyOTY0NmFlZWI2IiwiaXNzIjoieW1kLWludGVybmFsLXNlcnZpY2UtcHJvZCIsImp0aSI6ImZiMmNjZjJiLTNlZDYtNGRkMi04NWY4LWM1NThiODUxN2U3ZCIsImlhdCI6MTY0Nzg2MjAxOSwiZXhwIjoxNjQ3ODYzODE5fQ.rLQknhj00FvBI6fAKOcutyE3kpcO9PSJI60-PGynuU-rpAGVFXGl3oJQjlmEiJdj6cm3_bGqJbZUFXiJ56eDUwJ13coLTcQwoBPwAf2tActpJnjRMJivCB_b_sialoYRH0OZkiOysmEV01L4aHq8R535UpVlY4U-wxhhD7JYhLpo-e9BRbl2EgQhuFXLzl3s4ZPCSH7yMLn5KqfJIgcCoqL2f6nduZbFVXeKCmMjh5F2hs6QdKZPbBBVZBG9an6ACncvnwgqvUC00CmzEh76znjI8Xxeq1wSmwNYpBXQS3mPjUCpJAXIk5kjCSucu0BHngHYYBU3tL4Ifcs-vhgLqQ" \
     -H "x-api-key: GrNh3vPVdckgA9mCHxdmaSM2ucaywMZ9HbRJ1qTa"\
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
          "answer": {
            "type": "entry",
            "name": "Tim",
            "gender": "male",
            "year_of_birth": 1978,
            "initial_symptom": "shaking and coughing",
            "other": false

Depending on the initial symptom(s) provided during the initiation, the API will either immediately start an Assessment Flow or provide the user with a choice of Assessment or Information.

What’s Next